Sunday, 19 June 2016

#FROM THE ARCHIVE# INTIMACY WITH GOD (A tool in living a fulfilled Christian life and reigning with Christ). By: Oyesomi Rotimi .M

Vol. 16.6.19
Our Lord Jesus Christ explicitly and unequivocally make us to realize that the Word of God which He proclaim are spirit and life (John 6:63); meaning they never fade nor fail, but for refreshing and renewal daily. It is with this understanding we bring to you again FROM THE ARCHIVE of The Quiver this article (first published September 14, 2015) to refresh the soul of previous readers and enlighten the soul of new ones. God bless you mightily

Often times, and based on my experiences so far, I have come to discover that most Christians are strictly "CHURCH GOERS" full of "CHURCH ACTIVITIES", with little or no intimate, deep and full knowledge and understanding of the God they claim (or better still, pretend) they are worshipping and serving, His ways, methods and rules of operation. However, there are several factors contributing to this and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I have been able to highlight some of them below:
1. No Genuine Salvation: You can't claim to be genuinely born again, while you are still engaging in all the acts stated in Matthew 15:19, Mark 7:21-22, Romans 1:29-31 and Galatians 5:19-21.
2. Dead or Crawling Devotional Time/Quiet Time with God: You can't understand and get close to God if you are too BUSY or LAZY to create time to study His word. God's Word gives LIFE to the dead or hopeless soul. It also gives meanings and understanding to life mysteries and unanswered questions.
3. Dead or Crawling Prayer and Fasting Life: It's impossible for a Christian to have access to the throne of GRACE AND MERCY AND POWER (all of and from God), without a continuous and fervent prayer life. God's promises for several lives and destinies have been altered, shattered and destroyed, simply because of the carefree attitude in the approach of the Christians to fervent prayer and fasting.
4. An Ungrateful and Unthankful Christian: How can you claim you know God, when all you do is worry, complain, grumble, murmur, weep, feel down casted, depressed, disheartened, unhappy, embittered and so on. Your true knowledge of God and His promises in His Word, will always make you to be THANKFUL, GRATEFUL and PRAISEFUL, no matter how huge, big, tough, enormous, long and lasting your challenges, difficulties, troubles, problems, barriers, obstacles, trials, tribulations, battles, calamities, dissatisfactions, failures and disappointments are.
5. A Giving Christian: John 3:16 is one of the most popular verses in the Bible. This is where the greatest gift of all was demonstrated, as an example to show the relevance and importance of giving. Most often, we Christians always ASK and REQUEST from God, without giving back to Him either through our Tithes, Offerings (to church projects, needy offering, motherless baby homes, homes for the disabled, orphanage homes, prisons, evangelical outreaches and missionary fields). You can never receive something in your hands if they are closed. The same rule is also applicable to receiving from God! Note that for you to receive from God (whether spiritual or physical blessings), you must have a deep and close relationship with Him.
How to Develop an Intimacy with God
1. Total surrender and dedication of every aspect of your life to God, which is only possible by leaving your old form of life (sinful lifestyle) and become genuinely born again, as stated in (Matthew 15:19, Galatians 5: 19-21)
2. Continuous and fervent Prayer is the master key that moves mountains and shake the heavens. Praying knees brings about a prosperous and fulfilled life in Christ Jesus. So, pray without ceasing!!!  (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
3. God needs our time always and require us to have constant fellowship and communion with Him both day and night, in season and out of season (Joshua 1:8; Colossians 3:16), so that we can grow in the full knowledge and stature of God, through the power of His word.
4. David understood what moves God most (that is, praises and thanksgiving), and as a result of this, God referred to him as a man after His own heart, despite some of King David's obvious & avoidable sins. Thank God at all times (when things are good and when they are bad), just as David did (Psalm 34:1)
.               In conclusion, if all the aforementioned factors above can be addressed, I strongly believe we will have more "DISCIPLES OF CHRIST" than just "BELIEVERS OF CHRIST" simply because, "DISCIPLESHIP" is the tool required in having and developing a genuine knowledge and understanding of God! Hence, this is one of the major requirements in making heaven and reigning with Christ when "RAPTURE" (which is extremely close) takes place.

 Oyesomi Rotimi .M (

If you are inspired by the Holy Spirit to reach out and affect many souls through writing, send your articles to and we will help you spread it across the world audience. God bless you as you choose to impact lives.

The Quiver is the Official Bulletin of The Change of Taste Group (a non-denominational mission intercessory and support group) ©2016

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