Sunday, 10 April 2016


Vol. 16.4.15

“……..I want to reveal to you the truth that the prophet saw. I desire to release my deeper revelation to my church. I have made all mankind because I desire companionship. That is the purpose of every man and woman on earth. Enoch discovered that his life was satisfying as long as he enjoyed communion with me (God)”. (Chapter 6, page 67).

Title: The Secret Place (Passionately Pursuing His Presence)
Author: DR. DALE A. FIFE    ISSN: 10:88368-715-1
Publisher: Whitaker House    Date of Publication: November, 2001
Language: English           Foreworded by: Bishop Joseph Garlinglon
Availability: Reputable Christian bookshops and online at
Affordability: very affordable

What a beautiful and wonderful experience, as I journeyed with Dr. Dale Fife in this book, in his journey of intimacy with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Every chapter opened released an electron flux into my spiritual system. My heart cries and yearns for more of God, to abide in His presence and never leave again. I found out that there is no place I will rather be than God’s secret place, to draw deeper from the well of His presence. The spirit of the lord engulfed me and I cried out Lord! Your church, this is what your church needs.

The body of Christ needs to thirst for the presence of God, to draw incredible insight from the depth of God’s wisdom. The author stressed the point that all believers everywhere should thirst for God’s intimacy; the body of Christ must be bound together with a common vision (Chapter13, pg179) which is to make ready people prepared for the Lord’s coming (Luke 1:17). Christ needs to be fully formed in the church (Colossians 1:25-29). He wants every man complete in him, a church without blemish or wrinkles. Obviously, the church is so engross in their affairs, yet all activities and aim seems so trivial and insignificant. They often resume their normal routine, neglecting the incredible treasures beyond it, which is exhorting one another (Hebrews 10:19-25). According to the author (Chapter 13 page 184-185), the Lord said this is how His church ought to function.

In chapter 12, (page: 167-169), the author described the church as a house of hospitality. Pastors tending to workers, gathering groups of people together at numerous places for encouragement and instruction. Teachers join the Pastors, impacting wisdom and understanding to the people. Cooperating with each other. Every person has a gift and calling from God (1 Corinthians 12:11). This ministry should be used to build and restore the church of God (Romans 12:6-8)

In Chapter 10, Dr. Fife through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit pointed out clearly that all form of ‘religion’ must be swept away in the body of Christ, it has sought to kill God's Spirit and flow, and it has impeded the flow of God’s presence. Religion is the trap set by the devil against the church for her to be stocked in the forest of deception. He described the forest of deceptions are the philosophies and the great ideas of mankind (Theology). Many dwelling places (church) have been fashioned by the hands of men. (Genesis 11:1-9). People built altars and worship this theological concept and never moved on to walk with God closely. (2 Corinthians 11:1-4). Many of Gods children have been deceived even by the very elect. (Matthew 6:23). Adam and Eve sought the truth outside God and they were trapped in the forest of deception. They sacrificed intimacy with God for knowledge and hide away from Him. It cost them their life; since then, death entered the world but thank God for Jesus that bought us life and more in abundance. There is a cordial relationship between sin and deception (1John 1:5-10). It is of importance that every sin committed must be quickly confessed. Forest of deception is a place every child of God must pass through (tribulations and trials) but getting through it depends on our intimacy with God and the level of dwelling in His presence.

Reading the mind of the author under Holy Spirit inspiration, intimacy with God starts with communication. (Chapter15, page 201-203). More of God’s word is a crucial aspect of closeness with God. (John 5: 39; 6:63; 68). Quoting the author, ‘so many people have tasted only from the well. "My son don’t be like those who come out and have their thirst quenched for the moment, draw deep, come further down the depth of my heart. (Romans 11:33, Ephesians 3:16-19). Oh my son I long to speak with all my children, how I desire to tell them of my love and mercy. There is an eternal river of my presence still available to those who will come and drink’.

Are you desperate to be in His presence? Are you longing for His presence? Intimacy with God is the next step in your spiritual journey and the key is opening your heart to taste of God’s presence and you’ll be hungry for more. The secret place (Passionately pursuing His presence) is the book that not only teaches but brings you into another realm of spirituality in which you draw from the well of deeper revelation from Gods presence.

Why not hurry and get your own copy and be filled with and in God’s presence

About Author
Dr. Dale Arthur Fife is a gifted pastor, author, teacher, and musician with an insatiable passion for intimacy with God. His zeal for the Lord has led him on an incredible journey from his first pastorate of a small rural church in a coal-mining town outside of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, to the cofounding of a large multiracial inner-city church in Pittsburgh. His wisdom, maturity, and genuine spiritual concern for others have caused many to regard him as a ‘spiritual father’ in the Lord. He has also authored, Spirit Mind, Light Giver and The Hidden Kingdom.

Review Authored by:

Opomulo Abimbola (

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The Quiver is the Official Bulletin of The Change of Taste Group (a non-denominational mission intercessory and support group) ©2016

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