Vol. 16.4.16
Our Lord Jesus Christ explicitly and
unequivocally make us to realize that the Word of God which He proclaim are
spirit and life (John 6:63); meaning they never fade nor fail, but for
refreshing and renewal daily. It is with this understanding we bring to you again FROM THE
ARCHIVE of The Quiver this article (Vol 15.1.1) to refresh the soul of previous
readers and enlighten the soul of new ones. God bless you mightily
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please a minute! (Opening the door)
John asked; how may I be of help sir? He
replied, I am Stephen, hail from Jordan. Please do you have an idea as to the
residence of Mr. Simon?
Simon is tall, fair in complexion, with gray hair, pointed nose and has the
Roman type of feet. He is very quiet; never makes trouble. He loves people who are
calm n gentle, but dislike those easily provoked. His wife's name is Jane, and they
have four children; Samuel, Moses, Joshua and Martha He has…..... O yes! I get
it just as you described, replied Mr. Stephen.
Thank you very much, now I know him better
the illustration above, you will find out that knowing means clear description
of something to someone. Clear in such a way that you ‘drive home’ your point
so as to easily pass across your message. Thus, pass across knowledge is not
complete until the receiver can understand what you are saying.
God was derived from the combination of two words; knowing and God. The formal
is of the physical since it has to do with our senses; our ability to perceive,
recognize as well as to learn something which are subject to physical control.
The later which is God is spiritual, for the bible says God is spirit.... (John 4:24).
Also our God is present everywhere which is the unique feature of
omnipresent; present in heaven and on earth at the same time (Deuteronomy. 4:39,
Isaiah 66:1).The darkness shines
as light to him (Psalms.
139:11-12) and no one can hide
from his spirit (Psalms.
139:7) ,nothing hidden from Him, His spirit searches all these (1Corinthians. 2:10).
is also omnipotent (the one who can do all things). Nothing is too hard or
difficult for him to do. This can be seen from how he created the shapeless, void
and formless state of the world to a good one (Genesis 1) He made all things
and through him all things were made (Colossians 1:16). He formed us
fearfully and wonderfully (Psalms. 139:14),
making mankind filled with extraordinary features and qualities because you are
created in God's image and likeness (Genesis 1:27). OH! My father! How great you are, lord, no one can fathom your greatness
(Psalms 145:3). Even the seas and wave obeys His voice (Luke. 8:24). How
mighty you're lord!
is the all-powerful, He can do anything and no one can question Him (Psalms. 136:6),
He removes mountains (Job 9:5). He is beyond the height of stars (Job 22:7) How big and strong is God! It is really
good to know you lord! God is limitless, He takes different qualities at
different time; He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first
and last, and in him there is no shadow of turning (James 1:16) Thus, you can't
know God if you still remain in your physical state, the physical realm
controlled by our self/flesh, which is the sinful nature.
is your fleshy nature or the carnal nature. It takes emptying ourselves of the
physical nature (denying the flesh), crucifying the carnal nature which is
liable to sin (Romans
6:6; Galatians 5:19), by putting off the old man (Ephesians.
4:22) and putting on the new (spirit-controlled) man (Ephesians.
4:23-24); being made renewed in our mind (Ephesians. 4:23).This renewal
is done by God. He will cleanse us from every stain and purge us from every
form of sin through the precious blood of our lord and savior Jesus Christ (Hebrews.
12:22-25); a Priceless possession that money cannot buy, accessible
only by believing and accepting Jesus as lord and savior of your life. My dear,
are you born again? Have you accepted Jesus as your lord and personal savior?
Please, come to him now, open the door of your heart to him, he is waiting (Revelation 3:20).
He loves you and died for you and me (For God so loved the world that he gave
his only son- Jesus Christ, that whoso ever believe in him shall not perish but
have everlasting life (John. 3:16).
loves you very much and wants to take all your pains away. .For he says, cast all your cares upon me for I cares for
you (1 Peter
5:7). Please, answer His call today by saying this prayer: Lord Jesus, I come before you today, I
acknowledge that am a sinner, I confess, believe and accept you as lord and savior
over my life, wash me with your blood that I may be white snow and write my
name in the book of life. Thank you Jesus, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Congratulations dear brother and
sister, heaven is very happy now, you can really know God now because His
spirit is in you now, His spirit will help reveal him to you. Endeavor to join
a bible believing church and keep growing in the grace of our lord Jesus
First publication on: 01/09/2015 at\https://thequiver4changeoftaste.wordpress.com/2015/09/01/do-you-know-by-umurhurhu-oghenobukome-sonia/
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Oghenobukome Sonia
If you are inspired by the Holy Spirit to reach out and
affect many souls through writing, send your articles to thequiver4changeoftaste@gmail.com and we will help you spread it across
the world audience. God bless you as you choose to impact lives.
The Quiver is the Official Bulletin
of The Change of Taste Group (a non-denominational mission intercessory and
support group) ©2016
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